Get An Estimate Of How Much Your Missed Calls Are Costing You

Local Customer Boost ROI Calculator

Local Customer Boost

ROI Calculator


Monthly Revenue Left on Table:

Monthly Subscription Fee: $99.00


How it works?

  • Enter the average lifetime value of a customer

  • Enter an estimate of how many calls you miss per month (estimate)

  • Enter the rate at which you close new sales

  • Hit Calculate and we'll show you how much money we can make you!

Why Missed Call Texting is a Must Have for Business

Only 20% of people leave voicemails.

Which means you may never speak to the other 80% of missed calls.

Voicemails aren’t enough anymore!

Instead, automatically send a text message to any customer who gets sent to voicemail.

If a customer wants to book a new appointment, reschedule, or ask a question, they can respond to your missed call text instead of leaving a voicemail–and eliminate back-and-forth phone tag.

That’s why missed call texts are more convenient for both your office staff and your customers.

Plus, you can customize your message based on when you’re open or closed. You’ll never miss a new appointment booking and your customers will always be taken care of.